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Offline Learning ​線下學習


Wing's Music & Art Centre was established in 2007. It has branches in the Oceanian Shopping Mall in Tuen Mun and D Park in Tsuen Wan, offering professional music, art, and early childhood education courses.

雋詠教育中心於2008年成立,獲香港教育局註冊 (註冊編號:572675),同時獲得香港考試及評核局確認為 IGCSE 考試的參與學校 (School Code:GS305)。

Success Wing's Education Centre was established in 2008 and is registered with the Hong Kong Education Bureau (Registration Number: 572675). It is also recognized by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority as a participating school for the IGCSE examinations (School Code: GS305).









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